Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Did you know?
These are all Viking words: Both, Drag, Egg, Fall, Gale, Knife, Score,Scold, Ship, Sling, Slug, Smile, Want, Whirl, Whistle, Window and wing.
Did you know?
In winter, when rivers, lakes and bogs were frozen Vikings travelled on sledges, skates and skis.
Did you know?
Explorers knew they were near land when they saw seaweed icebergs, birds- or smelt sheep!
Did you know?
Vikings raiders captured people and then demanded a ransom (blood money) to free them alive.
Did you know?
Onion porridge was given to any warrior with a stomach wound, then his injuries were sniffed. If his carers could smell onions, they knew the man would TM,AL

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