Today is Wednesday 11th November 2008 I know that it’s weird that I’m writing about Remembrance Day but I want to. So I think Remembrance Day is a special time at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month we think about the people who gave up there lives to save ours. Whilst doing this you, yes you should have been wearing a poppy, if you were wearing one, congratulations! At school we threw a special assembly that was a very dark assembly. At 11 o’clock we stopped and had 2 minutes silence in that 2 minutes silence we saw Mrs Pitt’s photos of her husband in the war - he didn’t die. You can see one of the photos above. Bye for now.
Remembrance Day is a special time of year because we think of people who have died in war or who have helped our country. We all had 2 minutes silence. In the 2 minutes we had a think about the people who have been in the war. We saw Mrs Pitts photos of her husband before he went to Iraq.
I have been telling my children about Remembrance Day in the run up to it, I think it is important that they understand the meaning of why we have 2 minutes silence. MW's great grandfather fought in WW2 and she enjoys listening to him telling stories from his time there. Sarah Williams
I really enjoy doing the blog!
Nearly everyone wore a poppy [including teachers]. Also I LOVE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love reading the blog every night and when i saw the last blog i thought that it was a bit difficult to find that incect.by e.k
i loved Rememberance day as i wore my poppy and i loved getting poppys to celebrate by e.k
i wore a poppy to show that i really cared about rememberance day by donna kington
3c I have seen you are doing great work well done bt
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