Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Roman Day

On Thursday it was Roman day.
We all dressed up as Romans and had lots of fun. We made a mosaic, a Roman bracelet and clay decoration. At the end of the day we had a feast and we had slave and rich and took turns. What did it feel to be a slave?
Well a little bit scary.
How did it feel to be rich?
We felt like queens.
By Tm and Mc

Friday, 21 November 2008

Life at school

O.K. Life at school can be nice, but only sometimes. Most of the time we’re sitting on the carpet and at our desk doing work and there is less games. I love maths the best as it is very… mad and fun!! School feels like it will never end when we learn something new. Were learning about Romans and we’re very happy learning about them. SH

The Animal Lady

The animal lady came into our school and she bought a snake and a skunk and a bird also a tortoise it was only 3 years old and it was so cute and sweet. It felt so smooth, I wanted to hold the tortoise. The bird was a Cuckoobara had a little accident on our hall floor. The snake was rapping its body around the ladies arm. The lady was very brave to hold all of the animals. By E.k

A couple of days ago, we saw four animals, the first one was a snake we got to stroke him but we had to use the back of our hand so he didn’t get all sweaty. After that we got to stroke the tortoise, he felt hard because of his shell. After that, you’re not going to belief this, ok it was a… skunk. She didn’t use her perfume though. After that we saw a king fisher though he doesn’t eat fish he eats insects. MW

A lady came into the school and had and a tortoise and a snake and a bird. The lady let us stroke the animals. MK

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


Bonjour! We are the first year group in the school to start learning French. We have some good fun on a Monday afternoons in the Fun Factory. Mrs Pitt dresses up in a beret and teaches us how to say hello or to say we are ok in French. I am good at French now. Soon we will be learning our numbers. By TM

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Today is just a normal day, this morning we did science with Mrs Dewel. We are learning about magnets at the moment and today we wrote facts we know about them and I have learnt lots. Did you know that magnets have a north and south pole and only the north and south will attract? If you put south and south together they will repel same with north. I love science! MW

Anti - Bullying Week

This week is anti-bullying week, on Friday we will be wearing blue. We will be wearing blue so our teachers and school mates know that were against bullying as a school. This morning we had an assembly about anti-bullying, and in this assembly we had a story about a little boy, he had a friend whose ears went in circles when you pulled a hair out of the middle of his head. Weird isn’t it but we should NEVER bully people for the way they are, in fact I think that you shouldn’t bully people at all. If you have Sky, watch, See Something Say Something.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Remembrance Day

Today is Wednesday 11th November 2008 I know that it’s weird that I’m writing about Remembrance Day but I want to. So I think Remembrance Day is a special time at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month we think about the people who gave up there lives to save ours. Whilst doing this you, yes you should have been wearing a poppy, if you were wearing one, congratulations! At school we threw a special assembly that was a very dark assembly. At 11 o’clock we stopped and had 2 minutes silence in that 2 minutes silence we saw Mrs Pitt’s photos of her husband in the war - he didn’t die. You can see one of the photos above. Bye for now.
Remembrance Day is a special time of year because we think of people who have died in war or who have helped our country. We all had 2 minutes silence. In the 2 minutes we had a think about the people who have been in the war. We saw Mrs Pitts photos of her husband before he went to Iraq.


Monday, 10 November 2008

Language Alive

Today Language Alive came in. They acted out a play and in the play they fall out. There’s a new law saying they need a license to tell stories. They had a problem, on the letter it said they had to do it alone. In the end they said they would move to Bejing so they didn’t have to get a license.

Today at school a team called Language Alive came. Language Alive are actors. When they came in [which was…5 minutes ago they did a play which was very good, amazing, fantastic. At first we met someone called Malcolm and then he told us to go to the market [which was the hall] and guess what we met a story teller. When we were there they fell out but then they were friends and wanted to do a story together at the stadium but couldn’t because the rules said 1 person per act so they moved to Bejing to tell stories together.
Today it is the 10th of November and we had two visitors we went strait down to meet them everyone was excited. When we got in the hall there were two people. All through the acting they argued a lot, but after all we had to help them because they did not know if they should go in that silly show or not but when they saw the instructions they went mad because they wanted to do it together but the rules said they can’t tell stories together just one person at a time. ET
Today the class liked our visitors .It was great and really funny. It was a language alive story telling. We all got to join in .The stories were about friendships, lessons and feelings. And a story was about a story telling contest. MC

Friday, 7 November 2008


Today was Eco day and we did some planting. We had a choice to plant a daffodil or a tulip I planted a tulip. We enjoyed planting loads of different plants . My mom came too!

Nature Walk

Yay! Its Eco day, today we went on a nature walk and I got my shoes muddy, my friends aren't that bad but seriously mine are really really bad. I really enjoyed getting muddy and finding insects and things. To help us with our muddy walk and finding insects a park ranger called John came to help. Guess what go on guess Mrs Berry found a newt, cool aint it yeah I know.

We also found a little harlqein ladybird its really a pest bet you didn't know that it eats 2 spot ladybirds and 7s. To know more about ladybirds go to the Harlequin Survey. See the link on the blog.



Today we are blogging live as things happen on our Eco Day. First we would like to say a huge thank you to all our parents who have donated bulbs, seeds and their time to help on the day.

Today in Assembly we learnt about hedgehogs. We had a man called John came, he taught us lots. He was from the Birmingham City Council Park Services. He showed us what the hedgehogs hibernate in. It was a box with a tube that was made to crawl through. Lots of girls and boys wanted to be a hedgehog guardian who has to to look after the hedgehog and feed it and check it once and a while.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The Sponsored Walk

The sponsored walk was amazing! I really enjoyed dressing up and walking round the school. Ten times I walked round the school PHEW! It even tires me out thinking about it. I dressed up as a bad fairy but my costume was very itchy * scratches arm* it still itches now even though I’m not wearing it. It had little red and black skeletons all over it spooky! *creepy music* bye for now.

Friday, 24 October 2008


On Thursday we had three ladies’s come in to teach us how to wash our hands properly. They put some pretend germs on our hands it was like cream it was sticky and smelt like fish. I liked it I think everyone liked it.Also while we were waiting we had a sheet with lots of puzzles it was a code cracker it looked very hard but it was easy for me. By RO.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Ict Inspire

At the inspire our teacher showed us how to use a chatroom on My Classes if your wondering what my classes is its something that we use as our Internet. It is our learning Platform, we can access it at home and in school. Me and my friend were talking to each other on it. Our teacher showed us how to get on Dog Island and we did a quiz about the different types of dogs. Most of the moms were cheeky a bit and told us some of the answers shhhhhh! There were 1525 big dogs I think...... WOW! I learnt the names of a dog band called Bella's restaurant. We also found out it was a hoax site and not real atall.
the end by mw&sh

Lunt Fort Story 2

Yay! Trip day is here, I couldn’t wait to get on the yellow coach. The engine roared as we ran onto the coach. Everybody was loud, noisy on the way. I wondered when we were going to get there when suddenly someone shouted “were here”. Every body hurried of the coach. I blew of the coach towards my class suddenly a man came over and said “hello my names Doug I am your leader for the day”. I followed Doug to the wooden granary. He gave some advice “eat some lunch and buy something from the shop”.
Then after lunch I went and bought a torc when suddenly I didn’t know were my mates were not even my class just then I heard a faint roar from the gyrus as I walked in I smelt blood .When a man came over he had a sword and shield . He took me to a Roman Governor .
Wwwwhere was I ?, I didn’t understand . Now I know I’m in the Governors’ office ”How did you get here?” “I…I” I murmured but he was having none of it. He was talking to the guard privately he said… do you really want me to tell you… you will be sorry.. he said THROW HER TO THE LIONS!! .Then I fainted but when I awoke I heard Mr Crees’ voice “Meghan are you listening”? I just nodded. by mw

My Lunt Fort Story

We all lined up and crammed on coaches. The coaches we’re bright, shiny and shimmers in the light off them we’re graceful. The day had come, we we’re going to Lunt Roman Fort! We we’re very hot on the coaches, as they we’re big and very full. Eventually we got to a big wooden gate, we we’re there! We met our guide Doug, he was very funny. He got us marching shouting “sin,dex,sin,dex”. Later on we went to the Granary, it was made of wood nice and brown. I saw Ellie and Meghan get dressed up in gleaming, shining armour. I touched Meghan’s armour and there was a blinding flash of light.
All of a sudden there we’re 3 of Meghan then 2 then a roman, we had gone back in time, but at least Meghan we’re ok. Except we could hear footsteps, they sounded like Roman footsteps. Then we knew they we’re because they grabbed us each on the shoulder.
We all closed our eyes, when we opened them we all had a surprise as we we’re in the same room as the guard, dun dun der! The Romans asked what to do with us and the guard said” put them in with the elephants so they could trammel on us, and get some exercise. I then remembered the armour that Meghan and Ellie we’re still wearing, I thought it might work in reveres order if I touched Ellie, so I did and there was a blinding flash of light, we we’re back in the Granary with everyone around us saying “where have you been, we have been looking for you every where”. We all just cried in relief. by sh

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Lunt Fort part 1

It was a very exciting day our first trip in the juniors. Everyone was lining up in in the playground. The teachers came out and took us in. We did the register with 29 of us here. Soon we were ready to get on the coach. When we got on the coach we got split in 2. When we got on our way, we were very sleepy. Suddenly we were there. We couldn't wait to start our tour. Eventually we got to meet our guide, Doug. First we saw the ankle breaker.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

The New 3C

Welcome to the new class 3c for 2008 to 2009. They are all ready to go so enjoy the read.

We were very excited the day we walked in the door and saw our new teacher again.We did the register with all of us here.Then we saw a niceish PowerPoint of the rules. Later on we went on a tour of the school. It was very ... entertaining.First we saw the ICT suite. Next we saw the year 4 corridor. We saw teaching assistants working outside the classrooms. When we went down the corridor we saw our Deputyheads room and she invited us in and we saw a picture of her our Head teacher and Wallace and Gromit cool isn't it? sh&mw

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

are trip to the Allotments

At Manor House Allotments we wallked round all the gardens.The pepole who were showing us around let us smell and take home the flowers and vegtables.-

Friday, 6 June 2008


These are some of our sculptures that we have made in our art lessons. Everybody has made one or two, these are just a snapshot out of a million great ones. We found out some information about Andy Goldsworthy. He makes lots of famous sculptures. The children had never heard about him before. We had loads of fun making these sculptures.

Monday, 2 June 2008

half term hols

In the half term holidays I (EH) got Mario Kart on the wii . I unlocked 3 staff ghost datas so I've nearly got Funky Kong. Then I went to the bike store . My Dad orded a new bike for my birthday because my one is too small. (LB)In the half term holidays I went to some National Trust prperties. Lots of the boys went to see the Indiana Jones film. We hope our readers had a good break too.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

adventures in writing

We had a famous author come to our school , the other day. His name is Michael Thomas.
He is helping us with our story writing. We had to make a character , draw it and write facts about it. We had to share our characters with the whole class. There were all types of characters, from an Electric Beast to something made by Frankenstien. Here are some of the names. Max, Smally, Acid, Amilia, Gemma, Fred, Flipped (the eletric beast), Ledzeppelin, Benkiller, Octopusman, Catwoman, Smartzombie, Destructor (made by Frankenstien), and lastly Maric.

Friday, 2 May 2008

Our day at school

This morning we did our spelling test. Next we watched 5E 's assembly. It was about the Ancient Greeks. It was really entertaining! After that we went to maths sets. We had to do a multiplication grid.
Then we did our seven minute club. Next the bell rang. We went out to play. Some of us went to the tuck shop, some of us had a healthy snack bar. Afterwards we did Literacy. In Literacy we did a comrehension to copy questions from it. The smarter people did level 2 and the rest of us did level 1. Then the bell rang for lunch time and all of us went to lunch. EH CW

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

This Morning

Today we had a Comprehension . There were 3 sections from it and we had to wright the answers in senteses . After that we had a class council meeting . Then we had break.After break it was maths . Then we had lunch .


Tuesday, 22 April 2008


In the Easter Holiday we had to grow some Potatoes. Now we are having a potato growing competition. Here are some of them.

Do you like the pictures? It took us a long time to grow them like this.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Our day at school

Today we did spellings. Then we had Geography. We found out about places in the UK.Next we had assembly. It was about relationships. Then we had we had playtime and you could also go to the tuck shop, bring snack bars that are healthy and friut. Then we had maths. In maths the amber set did patterns in simular calculations.The green set did adding and subtracting mentaly and jotting.Then we had lunch.

Friday, 18 April 2008

Red house book award

In our school year3 have been chosen to read 3 books for the Red House Children's Book Award. Four children from each class have been chosen to do it.The books are called Mammmoth Academy in Trouble, Ottoline and the Yellow Cat and lastly Charlie Small the Perfumed Pirates of Perfidy. We have interviewed one of our very own CW. She said that Ottoline and the Yellow cat was the best book. EH thought that Mammoth Academy was the best book. We all enjoyed reading the books,even though we had to read them very quickly.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Afternoon and morning

This is about yesterday afternoon. We did Literacy. We copied a paragraph off the board,which had no punctuation in at all. So we had to copy it and put adjectives in it.Then we had playtime. Next we had Games. In Games we did ball skills and basketball. Then we played basketball Girls vs Girls. The score was 1-1. Then we did are diary. Then we went home. Now this is todays morning. First in the morning we had time to finshed some work and then we read some Captain Crimson.Then we had star of the week assembly.Then we had break.Then we had maths.We wrote our own recepie.Next we had lunch.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Our School Day

In the morning we practised our spellings.We have new ones every week. Then we had Geography. In Geography we learnt about weather and we sent a post card to class 3C. Then we had a C.U.T. assembly.The C.U.T. assembly was about helping the school be a tidier place. Next we had Maths. We had a test to do.Then we had lunch. EH LB

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Wow! After just a few more days we had all these mushrooms. Off they went to the kitchen to be cooked and eaten. Yum yum!

Monday, 3 March 2008

Big Mushrooms

After the weekend they've got even bigger!


Here are some of our symmetry designs from maths. Mr Crees has changed some of our work. Can you spot which ones are not symmetrical?

Thursday, 28 February 2008

More Mushrooms

After just a few days they have started to grow!

Friday, 22 February 2008


At school we now have an Eco Team. One member from our class is on the team. We have been talking about recycling paper and other things in school. Every class is also having a mushroom growing competition. The first mushroom have started to grow today.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Happy New Year

Hello and Happy New Year. We've had a busy start to the new term already. Last Friday the pop star Simon Webbe visited our school to present the boys and girls football kits which he is sponsoring.

We have also had our first Inspire workshop of the New Year where many of our parents came to learn with us about how to use an empty numberline and play a series of Maths related games.

Now we are busy learning how to use email and all have pen pals at a school in America to help us learn how to do this.