Today Sue Fearon from Birmingham City Mission came to visit our school and take assembly. We heard about the story of the Good Samaritan and how God wants us to think about others as we think about ourselves.
This year we will be helping others through the work of Birmingham City Mission by giving our harvest gifts to them to distribute to those in need.
Hello 3C what a wonderful surprise to find your excellent blog! I am very impressed with all your hard work on the site. I think you are all much better on a computer than me. Keep up the good work! I am looking forward to reading about all the fun events and activities you are taking part in.
From Mrs PItt
Hi Class 3C
These blogs are lovely, nice to see you all so busy in school, sounds like you have a great-time wish i was in your class.
From Ms O'Connor - School Office
Hi everyone,
I am having a fantastic time in the juniors. My favorite lessons are Science and Art. What are your favorite lessons?
I look forward to seeing more comments from my school friends on this blog.
I am enjoying being in class 3C, my favourite lessons are Art & Maths.
I like it when Mr Creas tells us a story & uses funny voices.
I am enjoying learning about the Romans, and liked the first trip to Lunt Fort.
On Tuesday we watched year 4 assembly. It was fab,I really enjoyed it,did you?
I enjoyed our visit to lunt fort.I love being in 3c.JP
I hope everyone enjoyed the sponsered walk. I did but my legs are really tired, I wish I could have travelled in my TARDIS.
Hi everyone,I was really tired after our fancy dress sponsered walk. I think everyone looked great in their costumes.I had a really good time and I hope you did to!! Mr Crees looked really funny and Mr Ellicott looked fantastic!
yesterday I went to a halloween party.
you all looked fab in your costumes! this is someone from yr 6
so if you neec any help please email me bak on this from lou.s.j
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