Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Viking Day

On Tuesday the 23rd of March it was Viking day. We all came to school
dressed as vikings. In the morning when everyone came in they were acting
all silly and playing around. Firstly we all swapped classes. 3M went to
3C, 3C went to 3O and 3M. In 3C we were making a longship by colouring it
in cutting it out and sticking it together. When it was finished we were
allowed to pretend that they were real. After break it was time to swap
again. We got sent to Mr Orr. In Mr Orr's class we played a game called
Kings Table. To play we had to log onto the internet. One player had to be white 

and the other player was red. The red team had less
people but had a king. The white team had more people but had no king. PA

Today it was viking day and we went in the hall and we had our photo with
our class. JR

Today it is Viking day it is very exicting for year 3. Everyone in year 3
got dressed up as Viking people. Miss Mabb, Mr Orr and Mr Crees looked
really funny in there outfits.This morning we went to Mr Crees' class. HM

Today is Tuesday 23 March 2010 which is viking day. First we went to Mr
Crees' class and made longships. First we coloured it all in then we
stuck it toghether and I finished mine. Then we went to Mr Orr's class and
played a game called Kings Table. I won three times and my partner was
Mason. I think my costume was not a viking look alike NP

More Science Day

On the 12th of March was Science day. We made magic muffins! Then we made slime! I had green slime! The experiment was called slime time! The choice of colours were green, red and blue. We had a lady called Sarah, she did our experiments with us. After we had finshed it, we split into 5 groups I went to Mr Crowley first we made a lava effect. Then I went to Mr Dourass's paper aeroplane experiment we threw them and the long card planes went the furthest. ET

On Friday the 12th of March it was Science day. In 3m we were doing slimetime. Firstly we did an experiment called magic muffins. To make magic muffins you have to get a special chemical called pva and pour another special chemical into it. Finally you have to add some food colouring and then it explodes. Next we made our own slime to take home. The choice of colours were green, red and blue. Most people choose green to make it look like real slime. Once Pete, Martin and Sarah were finished in year 3 they went up to year 4. Everyone in year 3 got split up into 5 groups. one group went to Mr Crowley, one group went to Miss Mabb, one group went toMr Dourass, one group went to Mr Crees and one group went to Mr Orr. Mr Orr was doing a coke experiment, Miss Mabb was doing sweet tasting, Mr Crowley was doing a volcano, Mr Crees was doing an egg eating milk bottle and Mr Dourass was doing paper aeroplanes. My favourite activity was sweet tastingwith Miss Mabb. My favourite part of the day was the morning because the sciencetists set up an assembly called Mad Science. The first thing the scienctists did in assembly was setting the piece of paper on fire and making it disappear. Every time it disappeared it went into Sarah's pocket. My favourite part of the assembly was when Mrs Heelas went onto the hoverboard. PA

Science Day

On Friday 12th March 2010 it was Science day. My class, 3M made slime with Sonic Sara.
We made some on our tables and some to take home with us. Guess what? No don't guess I will tell you. I was walking home showing my brother and sister my slime, when my nan said to put it away whilst we cross the road so I put the lid on it and got it out at home but when I got it outi I obviously had not put the lid on right so it had exploded in my bag. I have now put it in the bin! by JV :)

On the 12th of March it was science day it was very exciting for year 3. Everyone in the school watched a show called Mad Science.The people who did the show were Sarah, Martin and Peter. Sarah got out this hoverboard. She picked Miss Heelas to go on the hoverboard. HM

Science day was great fun especially when the visitors came in our class and did stuff. We had Sonic Sarah and we did slime and we were allowed to make some on our own and choose a colour I chose red. It was funny when the teachers came out dressed up in a lab coats. Mr Orr he really looked like a scientist. The assembly was even better than great, I loved it especially when Sonic Sarah had a toilet roll and blew it all over Miss Wilkes. When Mrs Heelas went on that hoverboard it was really funny.Then we went to Mr Orr's class and did the cocacola thing all the boys were going under the cocacola. When it was squirting out it was funny. NP

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


In year 3 we have been working on the vikings today 9/3/10 we 3M made a
report about them. How much do you know about the vikings? Well I know not
much but I know that when vikings didn't have a country to conquer they
conquered each other. The viking children didn't go to school they read
books to learn and help their moms at home. Viking women weren't allowed on
raids they were only allowed on if they were going somewhere else to
settle from NP

In year 3 we have  been working on the Vikings. Did you know the vikings
never went to battle with horns on there helmets.The Viings came from
Norway, Denmark and Sweden. HM

Hi I am going to tell you all about Viking Day!We made a Longship
{in mr crees's class}.I also played a game called Kings table!I hope
I will enjoy the rest of the day {I will!} ET

Monday, 8 March 2010


Fun has begun
Really french is brilliant
Even though I am English person
Never forget the greatness of french
Cleverness is all the world
Happy french ET

We have been leaning french in class.
These are some things that we have been leaning like numbers, days of the week.
The days off the week was hard some thought it was easy. CE

We have learned some french in class.These are some french words Bonjour, Cava, Salute and some numbers. When we learned our days of the week every one thought it was so complicated because it was so hard to pronounce. Some people thought it was so hard but some thought it was easy. JC


I love coming to school maths is great so is art.
I have lots of friends here and they are very nice.JB

I like all teachers in year three. You all are very nice and kind.
My favourte lesson is maths it is fun and it helps me learn.
Mr Orr teaches our maths. Mr Rothwell does the assembly. SD

I like literacy because of doing the stories. The adventure stories are my favourite.
I love school at Lyndon Green it is the best. We also have got the green flag. NM

Maths is really fun and hard but sometimes too hard.
I am doing my best at trying to keep focus on everything.
It is quite fun on the second table because your closer to the top table. NP

On the 1st of February the Green Flag went up. It was so exiciting for the school. HM

Learning gains sucsess so everyone come along,
Learning is so much fun so enjoy your lessons everyone.
Do not be down on this wonderful school day,
For we will laugh and we will play.
So enjoy your childhood days,
When you grow up you will go to big school.

Hope you like my poem PA

The Lost Teddy

It was a lovely Sunday morning and it was the first week of the summer holidays. Lilly went to the fun fair. To her surprise, she had won a gorgeous pink teddy, you should have seen it. Lilly named it Molly. Lilly’s Mum was called Sarah and her Dad was called David.

After a while she asked her Mom if she could go on the merry go round. Lilly’s Mom thought for a moment, only if you go with an adult” so Lilly called her Dad to go on the merry go round with her. She was so excited because she had never been on it before.

She did not see that Molly was slipping right out of her hands. 15 minutes later Lilly and her Mum and Dad had looked all over the fun fair to see if she could find Molly but it was really dark and they were so tired their eyes were flinching. Sarah Lilly’s Mum told Lilly that they would come back tomorrow but Lilly refused to go home. She wanted to find Molly. Meanwhile Sarah and David were walking home. Lilly was trailing home behind them.

While Lilly was walking behind, a strange man wearing a black suit, appeared in front her.

“I know where your teddy is. “ he said in a growling voice. “Follow me!” Her parents did not notice Lilly following the stranger and carried on walking home. Meanwhile the dark, sinister man lead Lilly to his van with blackened windows.

“Your teddy is in the boot. You can get it if you like.” He opened the doors and Lilly climbed in.

“STOP” screamed a familiar voice! “I have your teddy he’s lying” “JANE ITS YOU,HELP” Lilly screamed. The man saw that Jane and Lilly knew each other so he just drove off. Jump in my car and here is your teddy I will take you home know. When Lilly got home she got a very good telling off and Lilly learnt NEVER EVER to go with a stranger EVER again.


Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Adventure Stories

This week 3m have been working on their magnificent adventure stories. Almost everyone chose the fishermen story but some made up their own. My adventure story was based on Where the Wild Things Are. My writing target isto use different punctuation and I have learnt to put other punctuation before you close the speech marks. Also I have attached my adventure story.

You can read it in a later post. PA

School Stuff

I love this school because I like the painting's around it. Mr Orr, Miss Mabb and Mr Crees
are the best teaches in Yr 3. The best topic I liked was teeth and eating. JB

In maths we have been learning about scales. Miss Begum had to work very hard on our maths. When we were learning about this in maths we learned about negative numbers and positive numbers. I worked with a friend. We helped each other on the worksheets about scales. JC


Learning is fun
Every piece of work is just right
Sometimes its easy
School is fun becuse of work
On some days we do really fun work
Nothing is to hard
Sometimes we record songs

Also we do drama
Roman topic is quite intresting
Everyone loves lessons

Fantastic classes
U will like learning to
Never give up